Droit Elementor Addons offers full compatibility with WPML – WordPress Multilingual Translation Plugin. Translate your website built with Droit Elementor Addons to any language you want with the WPML plugin.
Follow the steps shown below to translate your Website with WPML:
Step 1:
First make sure you have the WPML plugins installed and activated. For that head over to Dashboard > Plugins on your WordPress site: WPML Multilingual CMS, WPML Media, and WPML String Translation.
For more information on the installation process and general translation functionalities visit: WPML Documentation.
Step 2:
To configure WPML for your Webpages head over to Dashboard > WPML or Click on the Configure WPML popup on top of the plugins screen.
From here you can add your native language and set of foreign languages.
Step 3:
Next up choose how your URL will appear after someone switches to a different language.
Now to settings and enable the following options – ‘’Use WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor’’, and ‘’Switch to using the Advanced Translation Editor’’.
Step 3:
Now you need to activate your WPML Plugin with your license key. If you don’t already have one, just simply click ‘’Get a Key for this site’’ and from here you will have to follow some simple steps to get your key.
Step 4:
Now to choose between two ‘’How do you want to translate this site?’’ modes. You can choose between 1. Translate Everything or 2. Translate Some.
Translate Everything: This will automatically translate content that you publish or update. This mode lets you choose between four options – 1. Review the translation before publishing, 2. Publish translation and review them later, & 3. Publish without reviewing.
Translate Some: It Will let you choose the content you want to translate. And let you choose who will translate the content.
For this example, I am choosing the ‘’Translate Everything’’ mode with the ‘’Publish translation and review them later’’ option.
Step 6:
Choose one or more multilingual plugins that come with WPML, such as WooCommerce Multilingual, or skip this step.
Step 7:
After going through the plugin setup process you will be directed to the WPML translation management dashboard. From here WPML will calculate how much content needs to be translated and how much it will cost in WPML credits.
Auto translate function isn’t free but new WPML accounts come with enough credit to translate a small to medium website. And if you need more credits the procurement process is extremely easy.
From here WPML will translate all of your content to your chosen secondary languages.
Step 8:
When finished you or your translator can quickly review these translated content on the front end.
Step 9:
From the Translation Queue page you can click on a review to visit your content pages with translation and from here you will have the option to ‘’Accept this Translation’’ or ‘’Edit Translation’’.
Step 10:
To edit any content translation further just click on Edit Translation from the top of the content page and you will be directed to WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor.
From here you can quickly edit translated content and make changes with ease.
Step 11:
Now, to check the front end of your site, by finding the WPML language switcher from the header or footer. By switching to your secondary language you will see that WPML has accurately translated your website.
Step 12:
Now to translate your strings. Strings are small text that doesn’t get translated automatically. For example – Widgets in your footer. To add translations to these strings head over to Dashboard > WPML > String Translation.
Step 13:
From the String Translation page you can search for those strings that need translation and then insert the translation for your secondary languages.
And there you have it, a WordPress multilingual website with the help of WPML Plugins.