A robust mobile-friendly widget to showcase your content with great customizability.
Using Post Grid
Make sure you have the Post Grid widget enabled from your Dashboard > Droit Addons > Elements.
Step 1:
Let’s start by searching the Post Grid widget from the left-hand side menu, and dragging the widget to your preferred section.
Step 2:
Now create columns for your grid, You can create as many as you need. Or you can duplicate existing columns.
Step 3:
To start editing click on the column and a menu will appear on the left hand side of your screen.
Now click on layouts, from here you can add length, content type, post per row and Meta Data such as date, time, comments, author, modified date with icons to your posts.
Step 4:
Next up you can add query to your grid, from here you can add recent post, category post and manual selection.
Step 5:
Rearrange your content within each post from here.
Step 6:
Add content to your read more button from here. You can edit the read more text and add an icon to it.
Step 7:
Hide/Show your title, content, meta, read more, show category, and image from here.
Step 8:
Set your Pagination settings from here.
Step 9:
From the general settings you can stylish your grid with background, padding, margin, border and shadow.
Step 10:
Add background and padding to your posts from here.
Step 11:
Customize your title with typography, color, fonts and more from here.
Step 12:
Same as the title section you can further customize your description from here.
Step 13:
Customize your images to fit your post grid from the thumbnail option. You can resize, add padding, margin, border, and add shadow to your image.
Step 14:
To customize your read more button, click on the button option, from here you can add typography, padding, background, border and more.
That’s it.