Parallax – Modules

Create parallax effects anywhere on your website using this handy parallax module.

To Use Parallax

Step 1

Make sure you have the Parallax module enabled from your Dashboard > Droit Addons > Modules. 

Step 2

To start adding your Parallax to your pages & posts, just select an existing page and click on edit with Elementor and click on the Edit Section icon.

Step 3

Now to edit the parallax features click on an existing item or add a new item. From here you can add images and shapes to better customize your parallax elements.

Step 4

You also have the option to edit the canvas size, alignment, position, z-index, opacity, etc to make your parallax effect more appealing with the image and shape you’re using.

And to configure the parallax effect itself, click on the parallax settings option. From here you can add values to all the necessary elements to make your parallax effect work as intended. 

After that press update and click on the preview icon to see your changes in action. 

And that’s it. When you’re done, press “Publish” to save your changes.

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