Make sure you have Parallax Animation widget enabled from your Dashboard > Droit Addons > Elements.
Step 1:
Let’s start by searching Parallax Animation from the left-hand side menu, and dragging the widget to your preferred section.
Step 2:
Upload your image for the block.
Step 3: Now to create the parallax effect, add values to the data option.
Step 4:
Add Width, Height, border from the style option.
Step 5:
Advanced Options
In the advanced section of the widget, you will have the flexibility to add margin and padding to the widget. You can also modify the Z-index to customize the widget more.
Live Copy & Paste
You can follow all the steps above and create your Parallax Animation, or if you’re interested in skipping some steps, you can visit Parallax Animation widget’s live demo page and simply copy one of three preset styles from the Live Copy button. And paste it in your preferred section.