News Ticker

Display news highlights, ad slogans and more with the help of News Ticker by Droit Elementor Addons.

Using News Ticker 

Make sure you have the Ticker widget enabled from your Dashboard > Droit Addons > Elements.  

Step 1: 

Let’s start by searching the News Ticker widget from the left-hand side menu, and dragging the widget to your preferred section.

Step 2: 

Now to add news, slogan, deals, etc on your news ticker, head over to the news content menu and add your content.

From here you can add a button, news content and links to those content pages.

Step 3:

You can add background to your news feed and set your margin, padding, position, size, and more.

Step 4: 

Now to customize your button, head down to button style, from here you can tweak the color, background color, typography, margin, padding, border radius. 

Step 5: 

Give your content a unique look from the content style option.

Live Copy & Paste

You can follow all the steps above and create your News ticker section, or if you’re interested in skipping some steps, you can visit News Ticker widget’s live demo page and simply copy one of two preset styles from the Live Copy button. And paste it in your preferred section.

That’s it.

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