Advance Tab

Multi-functional tabs can be experienced with just a few clicks.

Using Advance Tab

Make sure you have the Advance Tab widget enabled from your Dashboard > Droit Addons > Elements.  

Step 1: 

Let’s start by searching Advance Tab from the left-hand side menu, and dragging the widget to your preferred section.

Step 2: 

Now choose a vertical or horizontal menu from the preset option. 

Step 3: 

Add your menu title and icon from the Tab option.

Step 4: 

Now start working on your Tab Nav from the Style tab. From  here you can edit tab nav item, item horizontal gap, vertical gap, typography, button setting, tab icon color, after icon color and tab content alignment. 

Step 5: 

Next up edit your background with padding, background color, and image from the Tab option.

Step 6: 

You can customize how each tab will look from Tab Content. You can add background, color, image, padding, margin, border and more from here.

Step 7: 

To add content to each tab, head over to the right hand side and click the edit icon.

Step 8: 

Now you can start adding content to your tabs. 

Step 9: 

You can add title, description, button, or you can drag and drop another widget and start working from there. For example I have inserted our Card Pro Widget.

You can create and add content to as many tabs as you want.

Live Copy & Paste

You can follow all the steps above and create your Advance Tab section, or if you’re interested in skipping some steps, you can visit Advance Tab widget’s live demo page and simply copy one of five preset styles from the Live Copy button. And paste it in your preferred section.

That’s it.

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